Saturday, April 20, 2013

Types of Orange

                   There are many types of oranges like, Navel Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Moro (Blood) Oranges and Cara Cara Oranges. 

                   Navel Oranges: they are a very popular orange in the produce aisle. They have a bump on one side of the Orange and normal on the other side.  
                   Valencia Oranges: The name Valencia came from the city is Spain. It is a sweet orange first hybridized by William Wolfskill. 

                   Moro (blood) Oranges: This is a small orange with blood-colored flesh. The skin has texture but sometimes smooth. 

                   Cara Cara Navel Oranges: Also known as the red-fleshed navel. This orange might be a cross between the Washington navel and the Brazilian Bahia. I have never heard or tasted one of these oranges. I found it in my research. Seems interesting.

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