Saturday, April 20, 2013

Types of Orange

                   There are many types of oranges like, Navel Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Moro (Blood) Oranges and Cara Cara Oranges. 

                   Navel Oranges: they are a very popular orange in the produce aisle. They have a bump on one side of the Orange and normal on the other side.  
                   Valencia Oranges: The name Valencia came from the city is Spain. It is a sweet orange first hybridized by William Wolfskill. 

                   Moro (blood) Oranges: This is a small orange with blood-colored flesh. The skin has texture but sometimes smooth. 

                   Cara Cara Navel Oranges: Also known as the red-fleshed navel. This orange might be a cross between the Washington navel and the Brazilian Bahia. I have never heard or tasted one of these oranges. I found it in my research. Seems interesting.

Credit to,


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chinese Water Dragon

The Chinese Water Dragon, also known as the Asian Water Dragon is a lizard that comes form east and southwest Asia. This dragon eats plants, insects, and sometimes small fish or other small mammal or reptile. They can grow up to 1 meter long. Most Chinese Water Dragons are green with some yellow they sometimes even are a little turquoise. When they are stressed they turn brown.

To continue:

Monday, June 4, 2012


The anole lizard is very popular lizard in Southeastern United States. The anole can also be found in other western world regions. At this time we know of 372 types of anoles. Green anole, Knight anole, Bark anole, Jamaican giant anole and Cuban brown anole. All of the anoles can be found in the U.S.A especially Florida. The green anole is the only anole that is native to the U.S.A. The other anoles laid there eggs on plants that were imported to the United States. The sizes of the anoles are usually 8 and 18cm. The Knight anole can grow up to 12 to 20in long. Anoles eat live insects and other invertebrates. They include crickets, spiders, moths, etc. Most anoles live to be 4 to 8 years old. Some of the anoles that are kept in captivity with proper care can live to be 14 years old.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Honey Bee

The honey bee is very important to life on earth. If honey bees were to go extinct we would not have the same food. If we did not have bees we would not have plants that produce food. Also if we did not have produce we would not have some animals. Then people will not have anything to eat and then likely will go extinct. The bees are disappearing now! One reason they might be disappearing is because of all of the chemicals that are in the air. Another reason could be that the climate is not good for them anymore to live in.


Yuca is a plant that has sharp leaves. The Indians used the plant to make baskets, shoes and sometimes soup.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Paedocypris progenetica

Unusual pelvic fin of Paedocypris. © Raffles Museum
Unusual pectoral fin
World's smallest vertebrate is a member of the carp family of fish.© Kottelat, Cornol/Raffles MuseumPaedocypris progenetica is the smallest fish in the world at 7.9mm long!  The fish were found on one of Indonesia's islands. The fishes body looks like a larvae. Since its body is so small the head skeleton has been reduced in size. The fish has no bone protection for its brain. The  water is the color as dark tea and has the acidity of Ph3 which is around 100 times more acid as rain water! But, sadly there swamps have been threatened by large forest fires long ago, and resent logging around the swamp.  Since this has happened several populations have been lost.         

More further reaserch:                                                 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Paedophryne amauensis

Persian onager foalThe world smallest vertebrae a frog! Well yes, a frog is now the smallest vertebrae in the world. His size is around 3/10 of a inch long. These frogs might have existed for a incredibly long time. They live in the rain forest floor thriving on creatures tinier than them!

For more information: