Monday, June 4, 2012


The anole lizard is very popular lizard in Southeastern United States. The anole can also be found in other western world regions. At this time we know of 372 types of anoles. Green anole, Knight anole, Bark anole, Jamaican giant anole and Cuban brown anole. All of the anoles can be found in the U.S.A especially Florida. The green anole is the only anole that is native to the U.S.A. The other anoles laid there eggs on plants that were imported to the United States. The sizes of the anoles are usually 8 and 18cm. The Knight anole can grow up to 12 to 20in long. Anoles eat live insects and other invertebrates. They include crickets, spiders, moths, etc. Most anoles live to be 4 to 8 years old. Some of the anoles that are kept in captivity with proper care can live to be 14 years old.

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